4 Things to do before your Boudoir Shoot | Clarksville TN Boudoir

So you’ve booked your boudoir shoot? Now What?

Sheer panic?

No worries babe! Today I’m going to go over four things you can do to prepare for your boudoir photo shoot.


This one is a big one, Even though it sounds so simple. Its one of the most important things you can do before your session! Not only will it help with bloating it will also give your skin a glow from the inside out! So start upping your water intake about 2 weeks prior.


Now I know what you’re thinking? How is stretching going to benefit my session at all? Trust me, babe, My poses are no joke! Any of my past clients will tell ya! The poses will look amazing but warning you may be sore the next day. So that’s why I always say stretch, baby!

boudoir shot with swing


Affirmations are so important, especially if you’re nervous about your shoot. Repeating affirmations are proven to boost self esteem and confidence. Here are a few of my favorites, and you can start these right now! Even if you don’t have a session booked yet, affirmations will change your life , girl!

  • I am beautiful , strong, and worthy.

  • I am learning to love my body for all it does.

  • My opinion of myself is the only one that counts.

  • My worth isn’t defined by my weight.

  • I am beautiful in every single way.

  • I release my insecurities.

  • I am full of purpose, vision and ability.

  • I reclaim my own power.


Seriously, Trust me. I know this is so much easier said than done, but you’ve hired me for a reason. And I promise you , you’re safe with me and my team. My ultimate goal is to empower you and to hold space for you to be exactly who you truly are. I have worked with over 200 women over the last 5 years and I know what I’m doing. That’s why you’ve chosen me as your boudoir photographer. Trust me and trust this process. because the outcome, man, is the outcome so worth it!

smiling boudoir shot

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