Self Love Thursdays | Clarksville TN Boudoir

Hello my Badass Boudie Babes! I've missed you, I apologize for not blogging as much as I usually do. I'm sure you can understand that sometimes life just gets in the way. I have some exciting news.... I purchased my first home this March. I want to thank you all so much because this wouldn't have been possible without your continued love and support of my little business. With my new home comes a NEW STUDIO!! I have been working hard the last couple of months turning it into a beautiful welcoming space that all of you will be comfortable in! I will have a tour up for you babes soon!

Anyways the real reason I am here is to announce something new I will be doing ever Thursday...


You heard me ladies, Self Love! I will be sharing little tips and affirmations that have helped me learn to accept and love myself through the last couple of years of my journey. Self love has been something I have struggled with for years. Im not good enough, Im not pretty enough, Im not outgoing enough or smart enough. My self depreciation has held me back from so many opportunities and has lowered my self esteem so much. I'm sure you all have been there. I  hope by doing this and sharing my experiences that you can grow and begin or continue your journey into self love because it is so crazy important for your well being and mental state. You are you and you aren't going to change. You only have one body, one face, one mind. Learn to love yourself and be happy and comfortable in your skin, I promise you will begin to see how your entire life will change.

So enough talk about why this is so important to me and lets start with Week 1 ! CLICK HERE to join our Women's Empowerment VIP facebook group to keep up with Self Love Thursdays. 

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You are worth more than mediocrity ladies. Stop settling and go after what you want and what you deserve. 
